Basic Wedding Fee for 2024
Summer Wedding* £897 Winter Wedding* £937
(Don’t forget to deduct £40 deposit already paid)
This is the minimum cost for a wedding at St James’, made up of legal fees, fees for services, and contributions towards having St James’ as your wedding venue.
Breakdown of basic Wedding Fee
Marriage service £531 the legal Diocese and PCC fees
Banns of Marriage** £36
Marriage Certificate*** You now apply for this from the Registrar’s Office (see below for more details)
St James’ Wedding Bundle £330
This covers the costs of an organist; our organ fund fee; flowers (a mixture of pedestals and swags with colours of your choice); a verger (who will open the church, set up, ring the bell, assist and tidy up).
**If either of you live outside of West End Parish, you will also need to arrange for your Banns to be read in the parish church in which you live. The fee for this is £54 payable to your local church.
*** You will sign a Marriage Document as part of the Marriage Service. This document will then have to be delivered to the Local Registry Office before you can apply for your marriage certificate. There are various ways the document can be delivered, and we will discuss what your preference is. However, there may be a small additional fee for doing this (maximum £10)
*Summer or Winter Wedding?
Summer weddings will be deemed to be those taking place between May to August and a Winter Wedding between September and April. All Winter weddings will automatically include a £40 heating fee. Whilst this fee is optional, it is recommended during those months that it is included for everyone’s comfort. Summer weddings should not require the church to be heated.
Optional Extra Wedding costs
On top of the basic wedding fee, there are a couple of optional extra costs you may choose to have:
Flowers at ends of pews £75
Video Licence £130 which includes the recording of organ music and licence fee. Please note St James’ church does not provide a videographer
You will need to provide your own photographer but there is no licence fee required
There is no church choir available to sing but you are very welcome to book an outside choir.
Blessing of a Marriage
Please contact us to discuss fees for the Blessing of a Marriage at or 07934 419302
Methods of Payment
You are welcome to pay by cash, cheque or online banking. Payments can also be made in instalments (as one off ad hoc payments or on a regular basis (please note monthly payments being the most frequent allowed).
Cheques are payable to: St James PCC Fees Account
Online Banking details:
Sort Code: 55-70-05
Account Number: 75650797
If paying online you may need to quote the account name which is:
West End PCC of St James Fees Account
Please also reference your payment by including your names and wedding date
We ask that the outstanding balance be paid in full no later than one month before your wedding date. Thank you.