Parishioners At Lunch on Sundays was formed in 2017 by those ‘going home to an empty house / lunch alone’ after the Sunday morning service. We now have about 30 people signed into the group and on average about 12 get together for a pub lunch (usually a carvery) at 12.30pm on the fourth Sunday of each month. Some are regulars, others join in as and when they can or wish.

We mainly meet at the Southampton Arms, on the Moorgreen Road, just the other side of the motorway bridge. Our main criteria for choice of venue is the menu – with main meals no more than £10 and smaller portions available! – and not too far from church, although we quite often arrange lifts from the church car park.

We have occasionally gone for a walk after the lunch, but this is very dependent on the weather, and we are planning for other outings over the summer months. We have also ventured to the theatre once or twice.

Joining us

Anyone wishing to join should contact Rita through the parish office or use the web form, leaving your contact details. There is no membership requirement or cost.  Rita will then contact you around 10-14 days prior to the lunch reminding you to let her know if you wish to attend so a table can be booked on the Monday prior to the lunch.