What does HOPE stand for?
HOPE is the PCC committee that focuses on Mission.
We raise funds and awareness for nominated charities both at HOME (here in the UK) and OVERSEAS. In PARTNERSHIP with these charities, as well as raising funds, we also seek to provide EDUCATION about their work.
We support two main charities, which may be national or international for a period of two years. Our two main charities in 2023 are:
CAP (Christians Against Poverty) In the UK, millions are living below the poverty line. Crushing debt and chronic low income are some of the main chains that hold them there. But we also experience the daily privilege of seeing people discover hope as they begin to work with CAP and their local church. Tens of thousands of lives have been positively impacted through the powerful combination of practical help, restorative church communities and Jesus’ love.
This is our new charity and part of the work this charity does is to teach farmers in Lesotho how to farm their land sustainably.
As well as our two main charities we will support several local charities with our £50 pots of hope donations.
We also provide POTS OF HOPE (£50 donations) to small, local charities in our community and support the work of The Children’s Society and Christian Aid.
Events to look out for………..
Hope Harvest Lunch 6th October. Please set events page for more details.