Acts of the Apostles – Autumn discussion group
The Tuesday group will have their first meeting on Tuesday 17th September 10.00am – 11.30am and the Thursday group on Thursday 19th September 7pm-8,30pm. PLEASE SIGN UP ON THE LIST AT THE BACK OF THE CHURCH if you want to attend. This 5 week course follows on from the previous course, but if anyone wants to link in with one of the groups and they didn’t attend the previous course they will be welcome and the catch-up notes are available. All are welcome.
Our HOPE Committee organises events and collections to raise funds for our chosen charities. Details of those events will be found here. For more information about the work of HOPE and upcoming events click here
Tree Trail
Throughout the year we organise Tree Trails in the church grounds with a monthly theme. Young and old are welcome to enjoy the reflections and activities at the Welcome, Faith, Thank You, Praise and Worry Trees.