When Mary and Joseph took the infant Jesus to the Temple, Simeon, led by the Holy Spirit, took the child in his arms and gave thanks to God!
‘Now, Lord, you have kept your promise, and you may let your servant go in peace.
With my own eyes I have seen y our salvation.’
And to Mary, Jesus’ mother, he said:
‘Sorrow like a sharp sword will break your heart.’
Luke 2: 28 30; 35. Good News Translation
Reflection: Jesus meets his mother
Jesus, you met your beloved mother, Mary. Mary’s willing ‘yes’ to God led to your being born into a world of strife and sin, to bring healing and peace.
The glorious love song of the angels on the night you were born often goes unheard, war and terrorism reign in too many countries, hate in too many hearts.
Lord, you call us to follow the example of Mary.
By your grace grant us the strength to step out from the
crowd, to seek your face among all who suffer
from effects of war and hatred.
Help us to offer a mother’s love.
When we say yes to God show us how we can help
build an everlasting peace, world without end.
We adore you O Christ and we bless you
Because by your holy Cross you have redeemed the world